어드민 명령어 목록

명령어 설명 필요한 권한
!kzadmin kztimer 어드민 매뉴 보기 e
!refreshprofile 고번에 해당하는 유저의 프로필 재계산 (예: !refreshprofile STEAM_0:0:0000)
!resetchallenges 모든 유저의 챌린지 기록 삭제 z
!resettimes 모든 유저 등산기록 삭제 z
!resetranks 모든 유저 포인트 삭제 z
!resetmaptimes 주어진 맵의 유저들 등산기록 삭제 (예: !resetmaptimes kz_map ) z
!resetplayerchallenges Resets (won) challenges for given steamid z
!resetplayertimes Resets tp & pro map times (+extrapoints) for given steamid with or without given map z
!resetplayertptime Resets tp map time for given steamid and map z
!resetplayerprotime Resets pro map time for given steamid and map z
!resetjumpstats Resets jump stats (drops table playerjumpstats) z
!resetallljrecords Resets all lj records z
!resetallladderjumprecords Resets all ladder jump records z
!resetallljblockrecords Resets all lj block records z
!resetallwjrecords Resets all wj records z
!resetallcjrecords Resets all cj records z
!resetallbhoprecords Resets all bhop records z
!resetalldropbhopecords Resets all drop bjop records z
!resetallmultibhoprecords Resets all multi bhop records z
!resetljrecord 해당 유저의 롱점프 기록 삭제 (예: !resetljrecord STEAM_0:0:000 ) z
!resetcjrecord 해당 유저의 카운트점프 기록 삭제 (예: !resetcjrecord STEAM_0:0:000 ) z
!resetladderjumprecord 해당 유저의 사다리점프 기록 삭제 (예: !resetladderjumprecord STEAM_0:0:000 ) z
!resetljblockrecord Resets lj block record for given steamid z
!resetbhoprecord Resets bhop record for given steamid z
!resetdropbhoprecord Resets drop bhop record for given steamid z
!resetwjrecord Resets wj record for given steamid z
!resetmultibhoprecord Resets multi bhop record for given steamid z
!resetplayerjumpstats Resets jump stats for given steamid z
!deleteproreplay Deletes pro replay for a given map z
!deletetpreplay Deletes tp replay for a given map z
!resetextrapoints Resets given extra points for all players with or without given steamid